European Company Case Law (ECCL)
European Company Case Law (ECCL)
- ISSN online: 2752-1788
- ISSN print: 2752-177X
European company law is part of a highly complex, multi-level legal system. This is because both European law itself and its respective national implementations are directly relevant to all players in the EU.
With a pan-European board of experts representing each member state of the EU, this new English-language journal, ECCL – European Company Case Law, offers readers a comprehensive overview of law and legislations in the EU.
Special content:
central case law and legislations from each of the 27 member states
all relevant CJEU judgments at a glance
reception of the European Model Company Act (EMCA) at a national level
all transposition laws of the European Directives
topical discussions on Corporate, Financial and Insolvency Law
ECCL is a quarterly publication.
Related Categories: Private and International Commercial Law
Target Audience: University libraries and law practices in Europe, transnational companies, syndics, legal counsels, corporate lawyers, supervisory authorities, European trade associations
Information on the editorial board, the author guidelines and the peer review process of ECCL is available at