Zeitschrift für Grundlagen des Rechts Banner

RphZ Rechtsphilosophie

Zeitschrift für Grundlagen des Rechts

Priv.Doz. Dr. Alexander Aichele, Halle Prof. Dr. Martin Borowski, Heidelberg Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Holzleithner, Wien Prof. Dr. Joachim Renzikowski, Halle

At a time when legislation is becoming increasingly hectic in response to individual cases and losing sight of the legal system as a whole, in which its so-called ‘basic subjects’ are often referred to in soapbox speeches but are becoming increasingly marginalised in university education, addressing exactly these fundamental issues is especially important. This is the quintessential task of the philosophy of law, which is just as much a sub-discipline of practical philosophy as it is of jurisprudence. In this sense, the journal ‘Rechtsphilosophie–Zeitschrift für Grundlagen der Rechts’ provides a forum for interdisciplinary exchange on the theoretical, methodological and political foundations of the law.

Four times a year
The RphZ is published quarterly, with each issue containing around 100 pages and mostly dedicated to a special topic.

Edited by
PD Dr. Alexander Aichele, Prof. Dr. Martin Borowski, Univ. Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Holzleithner and Prof. Dr. Joachim Renzikowski

in collaboration with
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ertl, Keio University Tokyo; Prof. Dr. Jean François Kervégan, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1); Dr. habil. Christian Krijnen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Dr. Anne Kühler, Universität Zürich; Prof. Dr. Joachim Lege, Universität Greifswald; Prof. Dr. Georg Mohr, Universität Bremen; Prof. Dr. Stanley L. Paulson, Universität Kiel; Prof. Dr. Beate Rössler, Universiteit van Amsterdam; Prof. Dr. Kurt Seelmann, Universität Basel

Further information such as author guidelines and the peer review process of RphZ can be found here www.rphz.nomos.de.