Collegium Politicum

Contributions to Classical Political Thought

Edited by: Franciso L. Lisi, Giovanni Giorgini, Manuel Knoll

The Collegium Politicum is an international research network focusing on Ancient Political Theory and its reception in the history of political thought. Founded by Francisco L. Lisi in 2000, the network organizes annual meetings of its members who mostly teach at European Universities from several different countries. There are a wide range of activities and cooperation among the members such as joint workshops, international conferences, joint publications, and exchanges of faculty and graduate or doctoral students as well as post-doctoral researchers. Our book series is not only open for publications of our members and annual meetings, but to all innovative and high-quality contributions on Classical Political Thought and its reception. We welcome contributions from both accomplished scholars and young researchers at the beginning of their career. The latter includes outstanding Ph.D.-theses and “Habilitationsschriften”. Proposals submitted to the editors are subjected to a double-blind peer review and need to be accepted by the editorial board.
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