Ungleichheit und soziale Gerechtigkeit | Social An
Edited by:
Prof. Dr. Nadine Schöneck-Voß, Prof. Dr. Carola Hommerich
The series of publications entitled "Gesellschaftsanalyse. Ungleichheit und soziale Gerechtigkeit | Social Analysis. Inequality and Social Justice" is dedicated to analysing the structures and dynamics of market-oriented societies. It therefore focuses on diverse manifestations of social injustice as well as questions of social justice. In addition to theoretical essays, the series includes empirical studies (of either a quantitative, qualitative or methodologically integrative nature) which, for example, highlight the birth of and the institutions in contemporary societies or examine their members’ objective situations and subjective sensitivities by either focusing on one country or by comparing two or more different ones. This interdisciplinary and internationally oriented series welcomes submissions of monographs and anthologies written in either German or English.
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