Human Rights in the Context of EU Foreign Policy and Enlargement
The end of the Cold War has ushered a restructuring of the institutions of the European Community, culminating into its enlargement to Eastern Europe, under the aegis of economic integration, democracy and human rights. In this context, the book examines the development of human rights in the EU, arguing that human rights have been subject to a double standards approach in the EU"s fashioning of foreign policy. The book analyses the EU"s policy on minorities, considering the level of their protection within the framework of international law, particularly with regard to enlargement. There is no dearth of literature on human rights and the EU, however, there has been no systematic treatment of this issue in a single piece of writing that combines aspects of human rights, minority rights and foreign policy in the EU, and the influence of international law.
- 13–16 Table of Cases 13–16
- 17–18 Acknowledgement 17–18
- 19–22 1.1 Realism 19–22
- 22–23 1.2 Neorealism 22–23
- 23–24 1.3 Consocialism 23–24
- 25–26 1.5 Constructivism 25–26
- 34–38 3. Methodology 34–38
- 39–40 1. Introduction 39–40
- 84–85 2.9 Conclusion 84–85
- 85–94 3. The OSCE 85–94
- 93–94 3.6 Conclusion 93–94
- 95–97 4.2 The Convention 95–97
- 99–100 5. General Conclusion 99–100
- 126–127 1. Introduction 126–127
- 189–195 8. Conclusion 189–195
- 193–195 8.2 Future Scenarios 193–195
- 196–198 1. Introduction 196–198
- 198–209 2. Estonia, Background 198–209
- 204–205 2.3 Education 204–205
- 205–206 2.4 Language Rights 205–206
- 206–207 2.5 Culture and Media 206–207
- 207–207 2.6 Religion 207–207
- 208–209 2.8 Conclusion 208–209
- 209–218 3. Lithuania, Background 209–218
- 212–213 3.3 Education 212–213
- 213–213 3.4 Language Rights 213–213
- 213–214 3.5 Culture and Media 213–214
- 214–215 3.6 Religion 214–215
- 217–218 3.9 Conclusion 217–218
- 218–226 4. Slovakia, Background 218–226
- 221–221 4.3 Education 221–221
- 221–222 4.4 Language Rights 221–222
- 222–223 4.5 Culture and Media 222–223
- 223–223 4.6 Religion 223–223
- 225–226 4.9 Conclusion 225–226
- 226–236 5. Slovenia, Background 226–236
- 229–230 5.3 Education 229–230
- 230–231 5.4 Language Rights 230–231
- 232–232 5.6 Religion 232–232
- 234–236 5.9 Conclusion 234–236
- 237–248 Chapter 6 Conclusion 237–248
- 245–248 3. Recommendations 245–248
- 249–263 Bibliography 249–263