Law and Anthropology
Second Edition
„Law and Anthropology“ ist das Grundlagenwerk der fächer- und kulturenübergreifenden Rechtsanthropologie. Als Teilgebiet der Kulturanthropologie, widmet sich die zweite und erweiterte Auflage den kulturellen Bedingungen der Rechtssysteme in islamischen, hinduistischen, buddhistischen, animistischen, westlichen und post-sozialistischen Ländern. Das Werk ist ein unverzichtbares Instrument zum besseren Verständnis außereuropäischer Rechtspraktiken, z.B. auch der Scharia. Das Handbuch in englischer Sprache gliedert sich in drei Teile: Anthropologie des Rechts im Allgemeinen Die Subdisziplinen der Anthropologie des Rechts Rechtsanthropologie ethnischer Gruppen und angewandte Anthropologie des Rechts Wolfgang Fikentscher war Professor an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, wissenschaftliches Mitglied des Max-Planck-Instituts für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht sowie ordentliches Mitglied der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Er lehrte, forschte und war ein produktiver Autor in den Bereichen Rechtsvergleichung, geistiges Eigentum, Ethnologie und Anthropologie. In englischer Sprache.
The slow but steady growth of a political Europe and regional alliances in other parts of the world, voluntary or forced migratory movements with or without acculturative contact , culturally deep-rooted upheavals such as the “Arab Spring” and the overall effects of globalization in many fields of life, all these evolutions reach down to the basics of human culture. “Law and Anthropology” deals with the legal and anthropological aspects of this human culture in three major parts: Part One: Anthropology of law in general Chapter 1: Anthropology of law as a science Chapter 2: History, schools, and names of anthropology of law Chapter 3: Concepts Chapter 4: Social norms (the theory of fora: law, morals, customs, etiquette, habits, religious norms, political force, conscience) Chapter 5: Theories of culture and cultures Chapter 6: Analyses in cultural anthropology Chapter 7: Biological anthropology in its relation to the anthropology of law Part Two: The subdisciplines of anthropology of law Chapter 8: Kinship patterns. Other anthropological aspects of family and gender Chapter 9: Societal order, personhood, and human rights (the anthropology of constitutional justice) Chapter 10: Reciprocity, exchange, gifts, contracting, trust (the anthropology of commutative justice) Chapter 11: Possession, ownership, probate; market and non-market economies; antitrust; cultural property and heritage of mankind (the anthropology of distributive justice) Chapter 12: Torts, crimes, sanctions. Witchcraft and related issues (the anthropology of compensatory or retributive justice) Chapter 13: Jurisdiction. Procedure and dispute settlement. Conflicts of law (the anthropology of jurisdictional justice, of procedural justice, and of conflict justice) Part Three: The legal anthropology of ethnic groups, and applied anthropology of law Chapter 14: Native American law Chapter 15: Other ethnic groups. The international law of indigenous peoples. Global human rights Wolfgang Fikentscher is Emeritus Professor of the LMU, Munich, External Scientific Member of the MPI for Foreign and International Patent, Copyright and Competition Law, Fellow of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Chair of the Academy’s Committee for Cultural Anthropological Studies, with continued teaching and research activities in Munich and Berkeley in the fields of legal anthropology and ethnology. He is a prolific writer in the fields of comparative law, IP, ethnology and anthropology.
Kulturanthropologie Rechtsvergleichung Internationales Recht Internationales Öffentliches Recht Völkerrecht Rechtsanthropologie Rechtssysteme- 549–567 Literature 549–567
- 568–568 List of cases 568–568
- 569–580 Subjects and names index 569–580