Sustainable Development Goals
Article-by-Article Commentary
Die neue UN-Resolution „Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development“ – die neue UN-Ziele verankern klare Vorgaben für nachhaltige Entwicklung und verstehen sich als konzeptionelle, normative Antwort auf das global fließende Muster der wirtschaftlichen Transformation, kurz: die Globalisierung. Der neue KommentarDer Kommentar von Huck reagiert hierauf mit einer umfassenden Auslegung für die praktische Arbeit. Er deckt den gesamten Regelungsbereich der einzelnen Sustainable Development Goals, kurz SDGs ab. Ausführlich werden die insgesamt 169 Zielvorgaben erläutert und eingeordnet. Dabei werden immer auch Fragen zur Verbindlichkeit für wen, zum konkreten Anwendungsbereich und zu Rechtsschutzmöglichkeiten geklärt.The UN Resolution Transforming our world: “the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” set in forth at 1 January 2016 enshrines 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including 169 targets and seems a conceptual, normative answer to the global fluid pattern of economic transformation, shortly: the globalisation. Against this background, the SDGs are embarking to the multileveled legal order, following different horizontal and vertical ways. The significance of the SDGs for the application of the law in the context of regulations of the international level within the UN and autonomous International Organisations appears to be clearly visible. On the vertical level regional cooperation such as the EU, ASEAN, CARICOM, are integrating the SDGs in different legal agreements and similar currently happens on the national level and not to forget the transnational level as well. This new Commentary covers the whole field of SDG law.
The UN Resolution Transforming our world: “the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” set in forth at 1 January 2016 enshrines 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including 169 targets and seems a conceptual, normative answer to the global fluid pattern of economic transformation, shortly: the globalisation. Against this background, the SDGs are embarking to the multileveled legal order, following different horizontal and vertical ways. The significance of the SDGs for the application of the law in the context of regulations of the international level within the UN and autonomous International Organisations appears to be clearly visible. On the vertical level regional cooperation such as the EU, ASEAN, CARICOM, are integrating the SDGs in different legal agreements and similar currently happens on the national level and not to forget the transnational level as well. This new Commentary covers the whole field of SDG law.
Menschenrechte Regulierung Internationales Recht Völkerrecht Transformation UN Internationale OrganisationenKeywords
human rights regulation international law public international law United Nations international organizations- IX–XXIV List of Abbreviations IX–XXIV
- XXV–XLIV Table of Cases XXV–XLIV
- 1–88 Introduction 1–88
- 251–286 Goal 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all 251–286
- 419–454 Goal 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable 419–454
- 633–652 Epilogue 633–652
- 685–696 Index 685–696