Glauben und Denken – passt das zusammen?
Liberales Christentum im Gespräch mit Karl Jaspers
[Belief and thinking – do they go together? Liberal Christianity in conversation with Karl Jaspers] Karl Jaspers’ existential philosophy had a great influence on Liberal Theology in the 20th century. But even in our time, it is worthwhile for a liberal Christianity to engage with the ideas of this philosopher. The following sentences indicate that Jaspers has left unanswered questions: »If Christian revelation is considered the only true one; when revelation is proclaimed in the church, in dogma; if one believes that God has chosen his people, first as the Jews, then as the Christian churches; […] if you think that God became human in Jesus […] – I have to say: I don’t believe any of that. […] And yet I maintain that I am a good Protestant in the only sense of the word.« The contributions in this volume deal with central questions of the Christian faith in today’s responsibility, in connection with and contradiction to Jasper’s philosophy.
Chiffre Existenzphilosophie Jesus Christus Religion Vernunft Wahrheit philosophischer Glaube Wissenschaft Zweifel historischer Jesus- 205–208 PERSONENREGISTER 205–208
- 209–209 AUTORENVERZEICHNIS 209–209