Glauben geht durch den Magen. Mit einem Beitrag von Simon Peng-Keller
[Fast. Faith goes through the stomach] Fasting has always been practised in all religions and cultures. What drives people to do this? Obviously, they expect something from renouncing the natural desire for saturation. In fact, there are good reasons for it. Fasting is healthy and social. What one saves from one's mouth can be given to others. Understood as an ascetic practice, fasting also has religious motives. That is why Christians also fast. They hope for an intensive experience of faith and understand the interruption of the eating routine as a form of repentance and bodily prayer. That is why Protestants today also ask: Does fasting help to stay in shape spiritually? Perhaps not only love, but also faith goes through the stomach ... It is worth thinking about this theologically.
Aszetik Essen Fasten Leib Praktik Spiritualität- 13–23 1. Einleitung 13–23
- 57–106 Wille zur Form 57–106
- 109–144 Kritik der Praktik 109–144
- 132–144 11. Versuchungen 132–144
- 147–192 Impulse für die Praxis 147–192