Das Evangelium nach Lukas
[The Gospel according to Luke] Luke is not the first one to write a gospel. In his foreword he looks back at the »many« before him who had already written a story about the events concerning the prophet from Nazareth. What causes him to try it again? And what is the special purpose of his plot? The extremely helpful commentary at hand examines these questions by making visible both the historical context and the theological impulses in Luke’s Jesus-Christ-Story. The third evangelist is a wanderer between worlds: as a Jewish Christian, he remains rooted in the history of the people of God; as a Diaspora Jew, he strives to present the “good news” to an educated audience in the Hellenistic-Roman world. Being “on the road” becomes his outstanding and dominant motif. Origin and target of such a “way” shape the theological profile of each individual pericope and gives the Lukan work as a whole its specific dynamic - fascinating and stimulating until today.
Armut und Reichtum Evangelium nach Lukas Jesus-Christus-Geschichte Passionsgeschichte Theologie des Weges bleibende Erwählung Israels lukanisches Doppelwerk theologia viatorum- 1–22 Einleitung 1–22
- 23–583 Auslegung 23–583