Religionswissenschaft und Interkulturelle Theologie
Religious Studies and Intercultural Theology In the section Religious Studies, the work offers a journey through religious research from the early Enlightenment to the present day. It covers approaches in the fields of religious philology, phenomenology, sociology, ethnology and economics as well as more recent approaches to discourse theory, and postcolonial or cultural perspectives in religious studies. This is followed by basic informations on Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam in past and present. The section Intercultural Theology offers overviews on the history of the spread of Christianity, on mission theologies in history and the present, on forms of contextual theology as well as on relevant topics of church practice in different continents. This is followed by reflections on the question of interreligious coexistence and competition, on dialogue and witness, and the concept of a Christian theology of interreligious relations.
Kulturwissenschaft Islam Judentum Christentum Hinduismus Inkulturation Missionswissenschaft Buddhismus interreligiöser Dialog Religionen Kontextuelle Theologie Religionstheologie Dialogtheorie Missionstheologie- 645–706 Anhang 645–706