Theosis and Forgiveness in the Gospel of Matthew
In this book, Kangil Kim reads the Matthean teaching of forgiveness through the framework of theosis. Kim argues that theosis provides a theological lens that brings into sharper focus the meaning of forgiveness, especially with respect to the dynamics of heaven and earth and of God and the human in Matthew’s Gospel. Forgiveness as an embodied way of life is more than following Jesus and imitating what Jesus does but one of theosis, the extension of God’s own power working itself out through Jesus in our lives.
matthew's gospel table fellowship theosis theosis framework church fathers- i–xii Preface i–xii
- 25–52 The Lord’s Prayer 25–52
- 147–152 Conclusion 147–152
- 153–164 Bibliography 153–164
- 165–180 Ancient Sources Index 165–180
- 181–182 About the Author 181–182