Dumitru Staniloae's Trinitarian Ecclesiology
Orthodoxy and the Filioque
Dumitru Stăniloae is one of the most important but routinely neglected twentieth-century Orthodox theologians. Viorel Coman explores the ecumenical relevance of Stăniloae’s reflections on the interplay between the doctrine of the Trinity and the doctrine of the church in the context of the debates on the ecclesiological ramifications of the filioque. Coman combines a historical and theological analysis of Stăniloae’s approach to the filioque, Trinity, and church. The historical analysis shows the changes that have taken place over time in Stăniloae’s approach to the issue of the filioque and the doctrine of the church. The theological analysis emphasizes the ecumenical contribution of the Romanian thinker to the fields of Trinitarian theology and ecclesiology. Even though this book centers primarily around Stăniloae’s vision on the link between the doctrine of the Trinity and the Church, it places his theological reflections in a solid dialogue with other Eastern (Georges Florovsky, Vladimir Lossky, and John Zizioulas) and Western theologians (Karl Barth, Yves Congar, Karl Rahner, and Walter Kasper).
christian dialogue church unity ecclesiology dumitru staniloae pneumatology ecumenism the filioque trinitarian theology romanian theology orthodox theology- i–viii Preface i–viii
- 1–6 Introduction 1–6
- 7–22 Chapter 1 7–22
- 23–60 Chapter 2 23–60
- 61–94 Chapter 3 61–94
- 95–130 Chapter 4 95–130
- 131–166 Chapter 5 131–166
- 167–262 Chapter 6 167–262
- 263–268 Chapter 7 263–268
- 269–292 Bibliography 269–292
- 293–300 Index 293–300
- 301–302 About the Author 301–302