From the Earliest Gospel (Q+) to the Gospel of Mark
Solving the Synoptic Problem with Mimesis Criticism
From the Earliest Gospel (Q+) to the Gospel of Mark focuses on the remarkable overlaps between Jesus’s teachings in the lost Gospel Q and Mark.
Dennis R. MacDonald argues Synoptic intertextuality is best explained not as the redaction of sources but more flexibly as the imitation of literary models. Part One applies the criteria of mimesis criticism in a running commentary on Q+ to demonstrate that it polemically imitated Deuteronomy. Part Two argues that Mark in turn tendentiously imitated Logoi. The Conclusion proposes that Matthew and Luke in turn brilliantly and freely imitated both Logoi and Mark and by doing so created scores of duplicate sayings and episodes (doublets).
mark mimesis criticism Q papias pericope adulterae deuteronomy synoptic problem- i–xii Preface i–xii
- 1–20 Introduction 1–20
- 217–228 Conclusion 217–228
- 229–232 Appendix 1 229–232
- 233–242 Appendix 2 233–242
- 243–258 Appendix 3 243–258
- 259–276 Appendix 4 259–276
- 277–282 Appendix 5 277–282
- 283–288 Bibliography 283–288
- 289–290 Author Index 289–290
- 291–298 Ancient Sources Index 291–298
- 299–300 About the Author 299–300