Islam As Devotion
A Journey into the Interior of a Religion
How is it that Islam is so feared and misunderstood among Christians? Is there any possibility of an open dialogue between Muslims and Christians that will lead to a greater understanding of both? Ralf K. Wüstenberg explores these and other questions in an in-depth investigation of Islam, using as his guide the teachings of the revered Muslim scholar, Al-Ghazali, and placing them in dialogue with those of the protestant theologian and Reformer, John Calvin. The journey of discovery offered in this book is of long-lasting value to both Christians and Muslims as they seek to find common ground in understanding the most important and basic tenets of each other’s faith.
Islam John Calvin Christian-Muslim dialogue Al-Ghazali Muslim Bonhoeffer interreligious dialogue- i–x Preface i–x
- 143–148 Selected Bibliography 143–148
- 149–150 Index 149–150
- 151–151 About the Author 151–151