The Fabricated Christ
Confronting What We Know About Jesus and the Gospels
The last 150 years of biblical scholarship have revolutionised the understanding of the four Gospels. The revolution remains, however, largely unknown to the general public. Paul Laffan’s The Fabricated Christ argues for the wider dissemination of this knowledge and tasks those engaged in biblical criticism with greater honesty and frankness about the results of their research.
OT in NT Biblical Criticism Biblical scholarship Gospels Historical Jesus Christology Criterion of Embarrassment Eschatology Early Christianity Religious Education- i–xii Preface i–xii
- 1–10 Introduction 1–10
- 89–104 6 The Last Supper 89–104
- 113–128 8 Trials and Crucifixion 113–128
- 129–160 9 The Resurrection 129–160
- 161–166 10 After Eschatology 161–166
- 167–174 Bibliography 167–174
- 175–182 Index 175–182
- 183–183 About the Author 183–183