For Better, for Worse
The Ethics of Divorce after Marriage Equality
For Better, For Worse discusses the shame narratives tied to divorce, rooted in Christian theologies of marriage and U.S. political landscapes of marriage rights and regulation. Using interdisciplinary methods, Natalie E. Williams investigates the current conflict between social practices that normalize divorce and religious and political rhetorical narratives that continue to shame those who divorce. Williams's work seeks to understand current attitudes and policies related to divorce and to shape Christian ethical responses that resist the use of shame, relying instead on commitments to truth-telling and a cultivation of “shamelessness” to support flourishing across a spectrum of family forms.
divorce divorce doctrine ethics of family marriage marriage equality public policy family studies feminist ethics gay divorce sexual ethics shame- i–xii Preface i–xii
- 1–8 Introduction 1–8
- 115–124 Bibliography 115–124
- 125–126 Index 125–126
- 127–127 About the Author 127–127