The Freedom of God
A Study in the Pneumatology of Robert Jenson
The Freedom of God wrangles with the unfolding legacy of Christian theologian Robert Jenson and presents the first in-depth study of his teaching on the Holy Spirit. It is a specialist monograph that will entice those with interest in academic theology, systematics, and twentieth- and twenty-first-century Christian thought, especially the post-Barthian historicist electionism and the post-Rahnerian immanent and economic trinitarian project conversations. Devoted readers of the works of Robert Jenson, scholars of pneumatology, third-article theology, or pentecostal/renewal movements, practitioners of liberation theology, and supporters of ecumenical theology will all be particularly gripped by the analysis developed in this work. As a text, the Freedom of God could find a home in graduate seminars, seminary classrooms, and in classes for advanced undergraduates for those studying Jenson as a way into systematic theology and contemporary Christian thought or in any thematic/doctrinal courses on the Holy Spirit or the Trinity.
Holy Spirit divine persons freedom liberation theology Trinity Robert Jenson pneumatology third article theology trinitarian theology- i–xlvi Preface i–xlvi
- 149–250 3: The Spirit as Freedom 149–250
- 251–254 Conclusion 251–254
- 255–282 Bibliography 255–282
- 283–290 Index 283–290
- 291–291 About the Author 291–291