Recovering the Ecumenical Bonhoeffer
Thinking after the Tradition
In Recovering the Ecumenical Bonhoeffer, Javier Garcia explores the possibilities for Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s theology to revitalize interest in the ecumenical movement and Christian unity today. Although many commentators have lamented the waning interest in the ecumenical movement since the 1960s, the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017, coupled with recent in-roads such as the ecumenical efforts of Pope Francis, have opened new possibilities for the ecumenical project. In this context, Garcia presents Bonhoeffer as a helpful model for contemporary ecumenical dialogue. He finds important points of convergence between Bonhoeffer and Calvin, thereby establishing potential areas of rapprochement between the Lutheran and Reformed traditions. Beyond examining the state of ecumenism and unfolding the ecumenical promise of Bonhoeffer’s thought, Garcia assesses the future of ecumenical engagement in a secular age. Altogether, he proposes a recovery of the ecumenical Bonhoeffer for envisioning new possibilities for church unity in our day.
christian unity ecclesiology dietrich bonhoeffer a secular age john calvin ecumenical dialogue ecumenism lutheran theology reformed theology- i–x Preface i–x
- 1–22 Introduction 1–22
- 105–134 4 Ethics 105–134
- 135–168 5 Church and the World 135–168
- 199–222 Conclusion 199–222
- 223–234 Bibliography 223–234
- 235–238 Index 235–238
- 239–239 About the Author 239–239