Sacrificing the Church
Mass, Mission, and Ecumenism
In a context of scandal and decline, the Christian church cannot afford to do business as usual. It must regain its bearings and clarify its nature and purpose. Sacrificing the Church provides this clarity by returning to the church’s foundation: Jesus Christ and him crucified. It presents an ecclesiological vision in which every aspect of the church’s life flows from and expresses the one sacrifice of Christ. This sacrifice is the basis of every ecclesial experience, the form and content of the church’s life, a life which shares in the eternal Trinitarian life of God. By and as Christ’s sacrifice we are introduced into the divine life. This participation plays out in three key areas, which set the church’s agenda in the contemporary world: its worship of God (Mass), mission to the world (mission), and efforts toward the unity of all people, beginning with divided Christians (ecumenism).
ecclesiology divided church ecumenism liturgy theology trinitarian theology unity among Christians missiology missional theology sacramental theology- i–xvi Preface i–xvi
- 1–12 Introduction 1–12
- 163–170 Conclusion 163–170
- 171–184 Bibliography 171–184
- 185–192 Index 185–192
- 193–193 About the Author 193–193