Diversity and Inclusion in the Esports Industry
In theory, esports should be inclusive regardless of gender, race, or ability – however, incidents in the world of esports indicate otherwise. This collection provides an examination of diversity and inclusion in esports as contributors offer a way for readers to understand the history, current issues, and potential impacts of diversity and inclusion in the industry. Through analyses of players, games, fans, and broadcasts, this book highlights the exponential growth of the industry alongside the burgeoning cultural importance of diversity and inclusion. Ultimately, Diversity and Inclusion in the Esports Industry contributes to an intersection of well-established research areas to draw new insights as the industry continues to evolve. Scholars of communication, media studies, game studies, and sociology will find this book of particular interest.
Esports esports progression gaming culture gender and esports inclusion and esports race and esports- i–viii Preface i–viii
- 153–154 Index 153–154