The Story of Sleep
From A to Zzzz
A lively dictionary of topics related to slumber designed to help people help themselves by improving their sleep and, therefore, their health and happiness.
The Story of Sleep is a lively annotated dictionary of topics related to slumber, designed to help people help themselves get a better night’s rest and improve their overall physical and mental health. Incorporating up-to-date data, each entry reflects the fact that the world-in-general has changed and new sleep technologies have been developed over the past few years. Sleep expert Daniel Barone and writer Lawrence Armour provide the perfect format for those readers who crave a quick and ready reference for achieving better sleep habits and a sounder slumber every night. Building on the success of their book Let’s Talk About Sleep, Barone and Armour offer this complementary and essential guide.
Health Stress Meditation PTSD dictionary Yoga Wellness Fatigue Marijuana REM sleep Xanax acupuncture alarms aromatherapy naps narcolepsy nightmares sleep apnea sleep drugs sleep technologies sleep terms sleeping well slumber snoring stress relief massage mattresses pillows technology and sleep restless leg syndrome rest jet lag guide to sleep bed time being well rested how to sleep better sleep hypnosis blankets improved sleep insomniaKeywords
exercise dreams sleep self-help reference- i–viii Preface i–viii
- 1–4 Introduction 1–4
- 5–16 A 5–16
- 17–24 B 17–24
- 25–36 C 25–36
- 37–46 D 37–46
- 47–50 E 47–50
- 51–54 F 51–54
- 55–58 G 55–58
- 59–64 H 59–64
- 65–70 I 65–70
- 71–72 J 71–72
- 73–74 K 73–74
- 75–76 L 75–76
- 77–84 M 77–84
- 85–92 N 85–92
- 93–96 O 93–96
- 97–104 P 97–104
- 105–106 Q 105–106
- 107–116 R 107–116
- 117–132 S 117–132
- 133–136 T 133–136
- 137–138 U 137–138
- 139–140 V 139–140
- 141–144 W 141–144
- 145–146 Y 145–146
- 147–148 Z 147–148
- 149–150 About the Authors 149–150