Relationship Rx
Prescriptions for Lasting Love and Deeper Connection
Offers a prescription for restoring the struggling relationship back to health.
What if couples could take their relationship vitamins or medicine in order to prevent and treat problems in their relationships or restore their struggling relationship back to health? Here, two seasoned relationship experts address the top problems in relationships and provide simple strategies and exercises, grounded in relationship science, that couples can use to have the healthiest – and happiest – relationship of their lives.
The reader will benefit from discussions about research on effective communication strategies, adult attachment styles, cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques, and lessons learned from decades of relationship research – all presented in an easy to digest fashion, making Relationship Rx an easy pill to swallow. As Griffin and Schwartz tackle the major issues most couples face (or will inevitably face), they offer a tiered approach to mild, moderate, or severe relationship symptoms – each requiring various levels of intervention . The reader is introduced to three new couples in each chapter – all struggling to some degree in their marriages or long-term relationships. Each chapter concludes with a series of practical relationship exercises or techniques that couples can do in their own homes.
Any couple hoping to prevent or address those issues in their relationships that often derail couples will find a relatable resource here and easy-to-implement strategies for restoring even the most challenges relationships.
communication Trauma love conflict resolution couples Dating romance arranged marriages significant others partners marriages relationship expert girlfriends first sight boyfriendsKeywords
relationships- i–viii Preface i–viii
- 99–114 6. BOREDOM 99–114
- 151–166 9. MONEY AND FINANCES 151–166
- 167–184 10. FRIENDS AND FAMILY 167–184
- 201–204 CONCLUSION 201–204
- 205–210 NOTES 205–210
- 211–216 BIBLIOGRAPHY 211–216
- 217–226 INDEX 217–226
- 227–228 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 227–228