On the Rocks
Straight Talk about Women and Drinking
Existing portrayals of women who drink typically fall into two categories: disturbing stories of women hitting “rock bottom,” resulting in ruined careers, families, and futures, or amusing stories of fun and harmless “girls’ nights out,” with women drinking and overindulging as a temporary escape from a never-ending list of work and family demands. Drawing on original research and extensive interviews with a diverse group of women, author Susan Stewart challenges these stereotypes, revealing women’s complex relationships with alcohol and factors associated with its use.
In On the Rocks Stewart asks a question others might prefer stay buried: what about women's lives have changed such that they drink more alcohol? Stewart’s participants share stories of the many social forces that encourage women to drink: increased marketing of alcohol to women, the growing presence of alcohol in the workplace, pressure to drink from friends and family, and that drinking provides an easy “time-out” from children and housework. Stewarts' unvarnished examination of women and drinking challenges readers to think through its implications to individuals, families, and society.
Gender studies addictions health issues drugs and alcoholKeywords
psychopathology alcoholism women's studies- i–x Preface i–x
- 101–108 Chapter Seven Sea Legs 101–108
- 109–112 Appendix 109–112
- 113–134 Notes 113–134
- 135–154 Bibliography 135–154
- 155–162 Index 155–162
- 163–164 About the Author 163–164