Games Girls Play
Contexts of Girls and Video Games
Games Girls Play examines the role that video games play in girls’ lives, including how games structure girls’ leisure time, how playing video games constitutes different performances of femininity, and what influences girls to play or not play video games. Through interviews, focus groups, and qualitative content analyses, this book analyzes girls’ involvement with video games. It also examines different contexts in which discourses of girls and video games occur, including girl-oriented video games, activist efforts to change the video game industry, and informal education programs that teach girls video game design.
Media Ecology Gaming Gender Equality Gender Studies Girls Informal Education Programs Video Game Activism Video Games Women's Studies STEM- i–viii Preface i–viii
- 1–14 1 Introduction 1–14
- 15–40 2 Games for Girls 15–40
- 41–68 3 Killing Time 41–68
- 155–156 Appendix 1 155–156
- 157–158 Appendix 2 157–158
- 159–172 References 159–172
- 173–180 Index 173–180
- 181–181 About the Author 181–181