The Double Bass, How It Works
A Practical Guide to Double Bass Ownership
TheDouble Bass: How it Works provides information not usually found in traditional instrumental music method books. When used concurrently with any method book, the student's learning experience is expanded beyond "learning how to play" to include all topics relevant to the subject instrument. As the lessons proceed, the students will be able to associate their playing experiences with information on how the subject instrument produces sound, works mechanically, evolves, is made, and how to care for it. This expanded knowledge provides a player with greater insight into that instrument's relationship to others in its family and to those other instruments with which the player will be working. The result of the exposure to this enriched experience is a well-rounded musician in place of one who can just play an instrument.
woodwind music learning to play bass- i–viii Preface i–viii
- 107–108 Index 107–108