Researcher Coach
A Personal Guide to the Research Journey
Researcher Coach has been written with a sole purpose in mind: to give researchers sufficient theoretical and practical support so that they gain a sense of self-direction and autonomy in the process of formulating and conducting their research. From the core notions of paradigm, ontology, epistemology, axiology, methodology, methods, and research questions; researchers are guided through the fundamental elements involved in planning and executing their research. This book is not only concerned with supporting researchers in the process of formulating a valid and sound inquiry that is viable and methodologically rigorous, but it also emphasizes the importance of community impact. The reader will learn how to conduct the literature review that grounds their inquiry as well as provides context and justification for the execution of the study. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including methods and data analysis techniques, are presented in great detail as well as describing the sequential approach for presenting the study’s results and how to support those with tables and/or figures. The book closes with chapters devoted to the interpretation and discussion of the results, as well as general items related to formatting and project completion for publication.
thesis dissertation completing doctoral dissertation doctoral student doing research designing a research study- i–xxiv Preface i–xxiv
- 67–98 4. METHODOLOGY 67–98
- 187–190 10. CONCLUSION 187–190
- 191–204 REFERENCES 191–204
- 205–208 INDEX 205–208
- 209–210 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 209–210