Beyond Academic Success
Creating Social-Emotional Learning Balance in Elementary Students
Now, more than ever, education on the social and emotional aspects of learning is critical. As children learn to traverse a world that is ever-flattening concurrently they are drowning with information. Unfortunately, this same information can be misleading, tinged with anger, and creating an ever-unrealistic standard youth may never be able to live up to. As educators, social-emotional learning has always been a natural element of the school day. We must now recognize it as a critical subject area that has to be integrated and reinforced in every aspect of our teaching. The distinguishing quality of social and emotional skills will determine success or failure in those who will have to enter a world ever more connected systemically and globally
Education Elementary Emotional Expression Mindfulness Social Emotional Learning- i–xiv Preface i–xiv
- 79–82 Conclusion 79–82
- 83–90 Notes 83–90