Education Game Changers
Leadership and the Consequence of Policy Paradox
Education Game Changers is written for an international readership. This book refers to all education levels and sectors and builds on research in educational leadership, education business, and organizational change. Karen E. Starr describes policy paradoxes challenging the sustainability of educational provision as we know it and the imperatives they present for educational leadership, business, and governance. This book critiques the paradoxical education policy context while exploring alternative futures they may spawn. It ponders both possibilities and pitfalls that cannot be ignored by instrumental players such as governments, policy-makers, educational leaders and business managers, researchers, and analysts. This book unveils rising cases of education business failures around the world, the paucity of governance and business skill on educational boards, and the irrational contradictions faced by governments in determining education policy.
Policy paradox Educational leadership, business, and governance Challenged sustainability of educational provision- i–xii Preface i–xii
- 117–131 References 117–131