More Than Title IX
How Equity in Education has Shaped the Nation
Women in America have come a long way in the last hundred years, from lacking the right to vote to holding some of the highest profile positions in the country. But this change has not come without struggle. More Than Title IX highlights the impact of one of the most powerful instruments of change—education. The book takes readers behind the scenes of some of the most influential moments for gender equity in education and tells the dramatic stories of the women and men who made these changes possible. The narrative blends historical analysis with dynamic interview excerpts with people whose actions made a difference in both educational equity and in the country as a whole. By showing how hard-won changes in education have improved life for women and men in America over the past century, the authors remind readers not to take freedoms for granted.
Women's History- i–xxviii Preface i–xxviii
- 251–260 Chapter 07. Reflections 251–260
- 261–306 Gender Equity Timeline 261–306
- 307–310 Glossary 307–310
- 311–318 Notes 311–318
- 319–324 Bibliography 319–324
- 325–336 Index 325–336
- 337–340 About the Authors 337–340