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KJ Kritische Justiz

Vierteljahresschrift für Recht und Politik

PD Dr. Tanja Hitzel-Cassagnes Dr. Samira Akbarian Prof. Dr. Cengiz Barskanmaz, LL.M. Prof. Dr. Boris Burghardt Dr. Klaas Hendrik Eller Prof. Dr. Aziz Epik, LL.M. (Cambridge) Prof. Dr. Isabel Feichtner, LL.M. (Cardozo Law School) Prof. Dr. Felix Hanschmann Dr. Johan Horst, LL.M. (Georgetown) Prof. Dr. Eva Kocher Prof. Dr. Nora Markard, MA (King’s College London) PD Dr. Kolja Möller Prof. Dr. Cara Röhner Dr. Dana Schmalz, LL.M. (Cardozo) Thilo Scholle Dr. Inga Schuchmann Prof. Dr. Leonie Steinl, LL.M. (Columbia) Dr. Tim Wihl

Redaktion (ViSdP): PD Dr. Tanja Hitzel-Cassagnes, Prof. Dr. Felix Hanschmann

Kritische Justiz examines theory and practice of law in their societal context. It ventures beyond mainstream discussions of legal questions that exhibit no understading of political constellations and eclipse socioeconomic and cultural circumstances.

Kritische Justiz publishes contributions on present and past events and developments. Since its establishment in 1968, it addresses everyone involved in the theory and practice of law.