Elections in Europe
A Data Handbook
"Elections in Europe" ist der seit Langem erwartete letzte Band in einer weltweit angelegten Reihe zu Wahlen und Wahlsystemen. Das Werk vervollständigt die bei Oxford University Press erschienene Reihe von Bänden mit den Schwerpunkten Afrika, Asien, die Pazifikstaaten sowie Nord- und Südamerika. Nach einer vergleichenden Einführung der Herausgeber in Wahlen und Wahlsysteme bietet das Buch Kapitel zu allen europäischen Staaten von namhaften Experten. Unter Anwendung von systematischen Kriterien und einheitlichen Konzepten im Hinblick auf die zusammengestellten Informationen, erläutert jedes Kapitel den historischen, politischen und rechtlichen Kontext der Wahlen.
Darüber hinaus bieten die einzelnen Kapitel umfassende Statistiken über alle nationalen Wahlen und Volksabstimmungen, die in den jeweiligen Ländern durchgeführt wurden. Politologen weltweit begrüßen diese unverzichtbare Quelle für Wissenschaftler im Bereich der länderübergreifenden politischen Forschung. Es gibt kein vergleichbares Werk zu diesem Thema.
“These election volumes are a precious, indispensable source of information for cross-national political research. There is no comparable work on the subject”.
Giovanni Sartori, Professor Emeritus, Columbia University, New York
“These data handbooks are a wonderfully rich, precise, and comprehensive resource for social scientists and others who do comparative research on elections worldwide. Elections in Europe is a truly monumental and admirable volume!”
Arend Lijphart, Professor Emeritus, University of California, San Diego
“Elections in Europe constitutes an extraordinary effort. Along with the other volumes in the series it provides a reliable, systematic and analytical source of election data and documentation on electoral systems. An entire discipline will be able to rely on it for years to come. The authors must be congratulated for providing the scientific community with such a valuable instrument”.
Daniele Caramani, Professor of Political Science, University of St. Gallen
“Elections in Europe” is the eagerly awaited concluding part of a wider project covering electoral data worldwide. It completes the series of volumes focusing on Africa, on Asia and the Pacific, and on the Americas, all published by Oxford University Press. A comparative introduction on elections and electoral systems, given by the editors, is followed by chapters on each European state written by renowned specialists. Applying systematic criteria and uniform concepts to the information that has been collected, each chapter explains the historical, political, and legal context in which elections take place.
The chapters also provide exhaustive statistics on all national elections and referendums conducted in the respective countries. Political scientists worldwide welcome this indispensable source for scholars in the field of cross-national political research. There is no comparable work on the subject.
“These election volumes are a precious, indispensable source of information for cross-national political research. There is no comparable work on the subject”.
Giovanni Sartori, Professor Emeritus, Columbia University, New York
“These data handbooks are a wonderfully rich, precise, and comprehensive resource for social scientists and others who do comparative research on elections worldwide. Elections in Europe is a truly monumental and admirable volume!”
Arend Lijphart, Professor Emeritus, University of California, San Diego
“Elections in Europe constitutes an extraordinary effort. Along with the other volumes in the series it provides a reliable, systematic and analytical source of election data and documentation on electoral systems. An entire discipline will be able to rely on it for years to come. The authors must be congratulated for providing the scientific community with such a valuable instrument”.
Daniele Caramani, Professor of Political Science, University of St. Gallen
Contributors: Carsten Anckar, Dag Anckar, Rudy B. Andeweg, Christian Baukhage, Sarah Birch, Christian Bolliger, Mario Caciagli, Terry D. Clark, Dorothée de Nève, Josje Den Ridder, Jørgen Elklit, Michael Gallagher, Marian Gallenkamp, George Gerapetritis, Florian Grotz, Sophia Hänny, Ólafur Th. Hardarson, László Hubai, Galen A. Irwin, Dovil? Jakni?nait?, Mirjana Kasapovi?, Steffen Kassner, Stephanos Koutsoubinas, Gunnar Helgi Kristinsson, Charlotte Larsen Cadoret, Tomáš Lebeda, Wolf Linder, Ralf Lindner, Georg Lutz, Wilfried Marxer, Anna Materska-Sosnowska, Arthur Mickoleit, Neil Munro, Claus Neukirch, Dieter Nohlen, Artis Pabriks, Antonis Pantelis, Klaus Poier, Richard Rose, Marek Rybá?, Astrid Sahm, Henrik Schober, Rainer-Olaf Schultze, Johannes Schwehm, Allan Sikk, Philip Stöver, Pedro Tavares de Almeida, Marc Thiltgen, Antony Todorov, Matthias Trefs, Josep M. Vallès, Visvaldis Valtenbergs, Liam Weeks, Stephen White, Anders Widfeldt, and Andreas M. Wüst.
- 69–124 Elections in Europe 69–124
- 125–148 Albania 125–148
- 149–168 Andorra 149–168
- 169–232 Austria 169–232
- 233–268 Belarus 233–268
- 269–318 Belgium 269–318
- 319–350 Bosnia 319–350
- 351–398 Bulgaria 351–398
- 399–426 Croatia 399–426
- 427–452 Cyprus 427–452
- 453–500 Czech Republic 453–500
- 501–564 Denmark 501–564
- 565–592 Estonia 565–592
- 593–638 Finland 593–638
- 639–722 France 639–722
- 723–806 Germany 723–806
- 807–872 Greece 807–872
- 873–946 Hungary 873–946
- 947–986 Iceland 947–986
- 987–1026 Ireland 987–1026
- 1027–1100 Italy 1027–1100
- 1101–1154 Latvia 1101–1154
- 1155–1186 Liechtenstein 1155–1186
- 1187–1226 Lithuania 1187–1226
- 1227–1270 Luxembourg 1227–1270
- 1271–1294 Macedonia 1271–1294
- 1295–1312 Malta 1295–1312
- 1313–1348 Moldava 1313–1348
- 1349–1364 Monaco 1349–1364
- 1365–1378 Montenegro 1365–1378
- 1379–1420 Netherlands 1379–1420
- 1421–1470 Norway 1421–1470
- 1471–1524 Poland 1471–1524
- 1525–1578 Portugal 1525–1578
- 1579–1622 Romania 1579–1622
- 1623–1668 Russia 1623–1668
- 1669–1698 San Marino 1669–1698
- 1699–1732 Serbia 1699–1732
- 1733–1760 Slovakia 1733–1760
- 1761–1802 Slovenia 1761–1802
- 1803–1840 Spain 1803–1840
- 1841–1878 Sweden 1841–1878
- 1879–1966 Switzerland 1879–1966
- 1967–2000 Ukraine 1967–2000
- 2001–2034 United Kingdom 2001–2034
- 2035–2046 Vatican 2035–2046
- 2061–2070 Glossary 2061–2070