The Call to Happiness
Eudaimonism in English Puritan Thought
In The Call to Happiness, Nathaniel A. Warne examines how sixteenth-and seventeenth-century Puritans adopted a eudaimonistic conception of ethics in their writings. He shows how classical eudaimonism within the Puritan context is related to other areas of theology, ethics, and politics, and that the idea of divine calling or vocation fits within Puritan eudaimonism. Warne further shows how work can also be understood as an aspect of human flourishing when illuminated from within this tradition of Christian eudaimonism alongside the doctrine of calling.
early modern thought doctrine of calling politics theological ethics puritans vocation work happiness- i–xii Preface i–xii
- 1–14 Chapter 1 1–14
- 15–46 Chapter 2 15–46
- 47–78 Chapter 3 47–78
- 79–112 Chapter 4 79–112
- 113–144 Chapter 5 113–144
- 145–172 Chapter 6 145–172
- 173–200 Chapter 7 173–200
- 201–226 Chapter 8 201–226
- 227–246 Bibliography 227–246
- 247–250 General Index 247–250
- 251–254 Index of People 251–254
- 255–256 About the Author 255–256