The Law of Special Education and Non-Public Schools
Major Challenges in Meeting the Needs of Youth with Disabilities
The Law of Special Education and Non-Public Schools provides an informed explanation of Section 504, the IDEA, their regulations, and the cases that they have generated. Even though, the authors offer educators information on the rights of children in non-public schools, this book is not a how-to manual. It is designed to help make educators and parents aware of the requirements governing the laws that impact the rights of children with disabilities in order to implement both Section 504 and the IDED. In light of the detail that the book provides, it serves as a current and concise desk reference for educators ranging from building or district level administrators to classroom teachers to resource specialists in special education and related fields.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–x Preface i–x
- 117–132 APPENDIX A 117–132
- 133–134 APPENDIX B 133–134
- 135–138 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 135–138