Collaborative School Leadership
Practical Strategies for Principals
In Collaborative School Leadership, Nash and Hwang provide administrators with clear and focused ideas on making the most of collaborative leadership while on the path to continuous improvement. Recognizing that classroom instruction is at the core of any plan of improvement, this book looks at the role and nature of powerful building-level professional development. Nash and Hwang provide answers to critical questions: As part of a school’s improvement efforts, what is non-negotiable? What are some barriers to progress, and how can they be overcome or removed? How can building administrators help teachers improve instruction? An extensive appendix provides principals and teacher leaders with ten lessons and an entire chapter is devoted to the kind of formative support that building administrators can provide in the pursuit of student progress. Finally, Nash and Hwang elaborate on the whole decision-making process, and differentiate between the kind of independent and interdependent reflection that is part of the relentless pursuit of continuous improvement at the building level.
leadership- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xviii Preface i–xviii
- 99–102 EPILOGUE 99–102
- 139–142 REFERENCES 139–142
- 143–148 INDEX 143–148
- 149–150 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 149–150