Arabische amtliche Nilbriefe
Ein Betrag zur arabischen Kulturgeschichte, Epistolographie und Stilgeschichte des 12.–15. Jahrhunderts
The focus of the book is on the edition, translation and interpretation of official letters on the annual Nile flood sent in the 12th–15th centuries from Cairo to Syria, as well as replies and forwardings within Syria. The letters, wich are transmitted in literary sources, were composed by leading stylists of their time and thus are highlights of Arabic rhymed prose. An introductory chapter is devoted to the background of the letters, dealing with all aspects of the Nile flood, including the Nile ceremonies and the subsequent dispatching of letters. Other chapters deal with the structure and style of the letters, including the unique personification of the Nile, to which age, body parts, clothing, behaviors and feelings are attributed.
The focus of the book is on the edition, translation and interpretation of official letters on the annual Nile flood sent in the 12th–15th centuries from Cairo to Syria, as well as replies and forwardings within Syria. The letters, wich are transmitted in literary sources, were composed by leading stylists of their time and thus are highlights of Arabic rhymed prose. An introductory chapter is devoted to the background of the letters, dealing with all aspects of the Nile flood, including the Nile ceremonies and the subsequent dispatching of letters. Other chapters deal with the structure and style of the letters, including the unique personification of the Nile, to which age, body parts, clothing, behaviors and feelings are attributed.
Sozialgeschichte Kulturgeschichte Ägypten Mittelalter vormoderne Arabische Literatur Sprachwissenschaft Nilschwemme Kunstprosa Nil Mamluken arabische Epistolographie arabische Kunstprosa- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 19–106 1. Einleitung 19–106
- 107–108 Nilgedicht 107–108
- 419–432 5. Formular und Struktur 419–432
- 433–508 6. Stilistik 433–508
- 513–526 Literaturverzeichnis 513–526
- 527–544 Indizes 527–544