OSCE-Yearbook 2016
Yearbook on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
In „stürmischen Zeiten“ (Frank-Walter Steinmeier) hat Deutschland 2016 den OSZE-Vorsitz übernommen. Das OSCE Yearbook 2016 trägt dem Rechnung mit aktuellen Analysen und Berichten renommierter Wissenschaftler und erfahrener OSZE-Insider zu wichtigen Ereignissen und Entwicklungen in der OSZE und ihren 57 Teilnehmerstaaten sowie mit Blick auf die europäische Sicherheit.
Marcel Peško, Direktor des OSZE-Konfliktverhütungszentrums, skizziert zunächst neue Lösungsansätze für die noch immer im Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit stehende Ukrainekrise; im selben Zusammenhang stellt der Projektkoordinator der OSZE in der Ukraine seine Arbeit vor. Experten erörtern die Eckpunkte einer zukunftsorientierten Sicherheitsstrategie der OSZE, widmen sich der Wiederbelebung der konventionellen Rüstungskontrolle als eine der Prioritäten des deutschen OSZE-Vorsitzes und diskutieren die zukünftige Rolle der OSZE im Konfliktmanagement. Mit einem Bericht über den Friedensprozess in Nordirland bietet das Jahrbuch 2016 eine Lehrstunde für eine gelungene Konfliktlösung.
Im diesjährigen Themenschwerpunkt „Flüchtlinge und Migration im OSZE-Gebiet“ befassen sich internationale Experten und hochrangige OSZE-Mitarbeiter mit der Krise der europäischen Flüchtlings- und Migrationspolitik, dem möglichen zukünftigen Beitrag der OSZE zur Migrationssteuerung sowie der bisherigen Reaktion der OSZE und ihrer Institutionen auf die mit der Flüchtlingskrise verbundenen Herausforderungen.
Weitere Beiträge gegeben Einblick in die Haltung Großbritanniens zur kooperativen Sicherheit im Jahr des „Brexit“-Votums sowie dessen innenpolitische Folgen, befassen sich mit dem Viertagekrieg um Berg-Karabach, Peacekeeping als Option der OSZE, der Entwicklung der Wirtschafts- und Umweltdimension der OSZE sowie den Beziehungen Chinas zu den zentralasiatischen Staaten. Ein eindringliches Plädoyer für die längst überfällige Ausstattung der OSZE mit eigener Völkerrechtspersönlichkeit rundet das breite Themenspektrum ab.
Das Jahrbuch enthält wie stets einen umfassenden Anhang mit Daten und Fakten zu den 57 Teilnehmerstaaten, einem Überblick über wichtige Veranstaltungen sowie einer aktuellen Literaturauswahl.
In „stürmischen Zeiten“ (Frank-Walter Steinmeier) hat Deutschland 2016 den OSZE-Vorsitz übernommen. Das OSCE Yearbook 2016 trägt dem Rechnung mit aktuellen Analysen und Berichten renommierter Wissenschaftler und erfahrener OSZE-Insider zu wichtigen Ereignissen und Entwicklungen in der OSZE und ihren 57 Teilnehmerstaaten sowie mit Blick auf die europäische Sicherheit.
Marcel Peško, Direktor des OSZE-Konfliktverhütungszentrums, skizziert zunächst neue Lösungsansätze für die noch immer im Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit stehende Ukrainekrise; im selben Zusammenhang stellt der Projektkoordinator der OSZE in der Ukraine seine Arbeit vor. Experten erörtern die Eckpunkte einer zukunftsorientierten Sicherheitsstrategie der OSZE, widmen sich der Wiederbelebung der konventionellen Rüstungskontrolle als eine der Prioritäten des deutschen OSZE-Vorsitzes und diskutieren die zukünftige Rolle der OSZE im Konfliktmanagement. Mit einem Bericht über den Friedensprozess in Nordirland bietet das Jahrbuch 2016 eine Lehrstunde für eine gelungene Konfliktlösung.
Im diesjährigen Themenschwerpunkt „Flüchtlinge und Migration im OSZE-Gebiet“ befassen sich internationale Experten und hochrangige OSZE-Mitarbeiter mit der Krise der europäischen Flüchtlings- und Migrationspolitik, dem möglichen zukünftigen Beitrag der OSZE zur Migrationssteuerung sowie der bisherigen Reaktion der OSZE und ihrer Institutionen auf die mit der Flüchtlingskrise verbundenen Herausforderungen.
Weitere Beiträge gegeben Einblick in die Haltung Großbritanniens zur kooperativen Sicherheit im Jahr des „Brexit“-Votums sowie dessen innenpolitische Folgen, befassen sich mit dem Viertagekrieg um Berg-Karabach, Peacekeeping als Option der OSZE, der Entwicklung der Wirtschafts- und Umweltdimension der OSZE sowie den Beziehungen Chinas zu den zentralasiatischen Staaten. Ein eindringliches Plädoyer für die längst überfällige Ausstattung der OSZE mit eigener Völkerrechtspersönlichkeit rundet das breite Themenspektrum ab.
Das Jahrbuch enthält wie stets einen umfassenden Anhang mit Daten und Fakten zu den 57 Teilnehmerstaaten, einem Überblick über wichtige Veranstaltungen sowie einer aktuellen Literaturauswahl.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 13–18 Preface 13–18
- 259–272 Outside the Focus 259–272
- 327–380 Annexes 327–380
- ENVSEC/UNECE/OSCE, Strategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Dniester River Basin, [Vienna] 2015.
- ODIHR, Advancing Tolerance and Non-Discrimination through Coalition Building and Co-operation, 18-19 November 2015, Summary Report, [Warsaw] 2016.
- ODIHR, Annual Report 2015, Warsaw 2016.
- ODIHR, Comments on the Draft Constitution of Turkmenistan, Warsaw 2016.
- ODIHR, The Death Penalty in the OSCE Area: Background Paper 2016, Warsaw 2016.
- ODIHR, Expert Panel Meeting, Migration Crisis in the OSCE Region: Safe-guarding Rights of Asylum Seekers, Refugees and other Persons in Need of Protection, 12-13 November 2015 Warsaw, Poland, Summary Report, [Warsaw] 2016.
- ODIHR, Final Opinion on the Draft Act Amending the Act on the Com¬mis-sioner for Human Rights of Poland, Warsaw 2016.
- ODIHR, Handbook on the Follow-up of Electoral Recommendations, War-saw 2016.
- ODIHR, 2016 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting. Consolidated Summary, Warsaw, 19-30 September 2016, Warsaw 2016.
- ODIHR, Human Rights Handbook on Policing Assemblies, Warsaw 2016.
- ODIHR, Opinion on the Draft Act on the Crime of Enforced Disappearance of Tunisia, Warsaw 2016.
- ODIHR, Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia, Warsaw 2016.
- ODIHR, Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Law on Civil Service of Ukraine, Warsaw 2016.
- ODIHR, Opinion on the Qualification Assessment Procedure of Judges of Ukraine, Warsaw 2015.
- ODIHR, OSCE Human Dimension Seminar. The Role of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in Promoting and Protecting Human Rights in the OSCE Area, Warsaw, 1-3 June 2015, Consolidated Summary, Warsaw 2015, ODIHR.GAL/77/15.
- ODIHR, Report. Human Rights Situation of Detainees at Guantanamo, War-saw 2015.
- ODIHR, Roma and Sinti Political Participation: Opportunities and Risks of Local-level Engagement. Summary Report of the Expert Meeting, War-saw, 28 November 2014, Warsaw 2016.
- ODIHR, Seminar: Turning Words into Action to Address Anti-Semitism, In-tolerance and Discrimination, 16-17 June 2016, European Parliament, Brussels. Summary Report, [Warsaw] 2016.
- ODIHR, Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting, OSCE Contribution to the Protection of National Minorities, Vienna, 29-30 October 2015, Final Report, Vienna 2016, PC.SHDM.GAL/1/16.
- ODIHR, Understanding Hate Crimes. A Handbook for Ukraine, Warsaw 2015. doi.org/10.1177/1556264615592383
- ODIHR, War Crimes Justice Project – Phase 2. Supporting the Transfer of Knowledge in War Crimes Cases among the National Jurisdictions of the Former Yugoslavia and with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: Final Report, Warsaw 2016.
- ODIHR/Council of Europe, Venice Commission, Joint Interim Opinion on the Law of Ukraine on the Condemnation of the Communist and National Socialist (Nazi) Regimes and Prohibition of Propaganda of Their Sym-bols, Adopted by the Venice Commission at Its 105th Plenary Session, Venice (18-19 December 2015), Strasbourg 2015.
- ODIHR/Council of Europe, Venice Commission, Armenia, Joint Opinion on the Draft Electoral Code, as of 18 April 2016, Endorsed by the Council of Democratic Elections at Its 55th meeting (Venice, 9 June 2016) and by the Venice Commission at Its 107th Plenary Session (Venice, 10-11 June 2016), Strasbourg 2016.
- ODIHR/Council of Europe, Venice Commission, Republic of Moldova, Joint Opinion on the Draft Law On Changes to the Electoral Code, Adopted by the Council of Democratic Elections at Its 55th meeting (Venice, 9 June 2016) and by the Venice Commission at Its 107th Plenary Ses-sion (Venice, 10-11 June 2016), Strasbourg 2016.
- ODIHR/DCAF, Mapping Study: Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces in the OSCE Region, Geneva 2015.
- OSCE, Helsinki Final Act 40, 1975-2015, Vienna 2015.
- OSCE, The Secretary General’s 2015 Annual Evaluation Report on the Im-ple¬mentation of the 2004 OSCE Action Plan for the Promotion of Gen-der Equality, Vienna 2016, SEC.DOC/1/16.
- OSCE, Forum for Security Co-operation, Twenty-Sixth Annual Im¬ple¬men¬ta-tion Assessment Meeting, Vienna, 1 and 2 March 2016, Consolidated Summary, Opening Session, Reports of the Working Session Rap¬por-teurs, Closing Session, Vienna 2016, FSC.AIAM/13/16.
- OSCE, Ministerial Council, Twenty-Second Meeting of the Ministerial Coun¬cil, 3 and 4 December 2015, Belgrade 2015, Statements and Dec-lar¬ations by the Ministerial Council, Decisions of the Ministerial Coun-cil, Statements by Delegations, Reports to the Ministerial Council, Bel-grade 2015.
- OSCE, Mission in Kosovo, Community Rights Assessment Report, Fourth Edition, [Priština] 2015.
- OSCE, Mission in Kosovo, Review of the Implementation of the New Crim-inal Procedure Code of Kosovo, [Priština] 2016.
- OSCE, Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Processing of War Crimes at the State Level in Bosnia and Herzegovina, [Sarajevo] 2016.
- OSCE, Mission to Serbia, War Crimes Proceedings in Serbia (2003-2014). An Analysis of the OSCE Mission to Serbia’s Monitoring Results, Bel¬grade 2015. doi.org/10.1109/CLEOE.2003.1313719
- OSCE, Mission to Serbia/ODIHR, Report on Monitoring of Peer Elections for the High Judicial Council and State Prosecutors’ Council of the Re-public of Serbia, Belgrade 2016.
- OSCE, Mission to Skopje, Implementing Citizens Participation in Decision Making at Local Level. Toolkit, Skopje 2016.
- OSCE, Mission to Skopje, Practical Application of Plea Bargaining for the Type and the Severity of the Criminal Sanctions in the First Year of the Application of the New Law on Criminal Procedure. Legal Analysis, Skopje 2016.
- OSCE, Office in Tajikistan, Agriculture Water Management for Water User Association. Training Report, Dushanbe 2016.
- OSCE Office in Tajikistan, Anti-Corruption Assessment of Eight Adminis¬tra-tive Codes and Legal Acts of the Republic of Tajikistan Dushanbe 2015.
- OSCE, Office in Yerevan/Freedom of Information Center of Armenia, OGP Armenia: Civil Society Monitoring Report, Yerevan 2015.
- OSCE, Office in Yerevan/Republic of Armenia, Ministry of Economy, Identi-fication of New Market Opportunities within Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), Yerevan 2016.
- OSCE, Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Ac¬tivities, 24th Economic and Environmental Forum “Strengthening Sta¬bility and Security through Co-Operation on Good Governance”. First Preparatory Meeting, Vienna, 25-26 January 2016, Consolidated Sum¬mary, Vienna 2016.
- OSCE, Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Ac¬tivities, Protecting Electricity Networks from Natural Hazards, Vienna 2016.
- OSCE, Office of the Secretary General, Action against Terrorism Unit, Over-view of OSCE Counter-Terrorism Related Commitments, Vienna 2016.
- OSCE, Office of the Secretary General, Section for External Co-operation, The OSCE Asian Partnership for Co-operation: Reflections and Per-spectives, Vienna 2015.
- OSCE, Office of the Secretary General, Transnational Threats Department, Status of the Universal Anti-Terrorism Conventions and Protocols as well as other International and Regional Legal Instruments Related to Terrorism and Co-operation in Criminal Matters in the OSCE Area, [Vienna] 2016.
- OSCE, Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, 2014-15 Report of the Special Repre¬sen¬tative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings presented to the Permanent Council, 17 December 2015, Vienna 2015.
- OSCE, Parliamentary Assembly, Tbilisi Declaration and Resolutions Adopted by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly at the Twenty-Fifth An¬nual Session, Tbilisi, 1 to 5 July 2016, [Tbilisi] 2016.
- OSCE, Prague Office, OSCE New Releases 2014 Final, Prague 2015.
- OSCE, Prague Office, OSCE New Releases 2015, January - December, Prague 2016.
- OSCE, Prague Office, OSCE New Releases 2016, January - June, Prague 2016. doi.org/10.1111/biom.12519
- OSCE, Presence in Albania, Empowering Women in Politics, Tirana 2016.
- OSCE, Presence in Albania/Republic of Albania, Ministry of Justice, General Directorate of Prisons, Policy Paper on Reducing Overcrowding in Prisons and Pre-trial Detention Facilities in Albania, Tirana 2015.
- OSCE, Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine, Conflict Sensitive Journalism: Best Practices and Recommendations, Kyiv 2016.
- OSCE, Representative on Freedom of the Media, Media Freedom on the Internet: An OSCE Guidebook, Vienna 2016.
- OSCE, Representative on Freedom of the Media, New Challenges to Free-dom of Expression: Countering Online Abuse of Female Journalists, Vi-enna 2016.
- OSCE, Representative on Freedom of the Media, Propaganda and Freedom of the Media. Non-paper of the OSCE Office of the Representative on Free¬dom of the Media, Vienna 2015.
- OSCE, Representative on Freedom of the Media, Two Countries – One Pro-fession. Materials from Meetings with Representatives of Russian and Ukrainian Journalism Organizations under the Auspices of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Vienna 2016.
- OSCE, Secretariat, Handbook on Combating Corruption, Vienna 2016. doi.org/10.1111/ijag.12207
- OSCE, Secretariat, Security Sector Governance and Reform (SSG/R). Guide-lines for OSCE Staff, Vienna 2016.
- OSCE, Secretariat, Conflict Prevention Centre, Regional Organizations in Conflict Mediation: Lessons of Experience & Cooperation with the United Nations. Report of the Third and Fourth Meetings of Regional, Subregional and other International Organizations on Preventive Diplo-macy and Mediation, Cairo, 5-6 February 2014, hosted by the League of Arab States, Brussels, 5-6 May 2015, hosted by the European Union, Vienna 2016.
- OSCE, Secretariat, Conflict Prevention Centre, Survey of OSCE Field Oper-ations, Vienna 2016, SEC.GAL/27/16.
- OSCE, Secretariat, Transnational Threats Department, Action against Ter-rorism Unit, Annual Report of the Secretary General on Police-Related Activities 2015, Submitted in Accordance with Decision 9, Paragraph 6, of the Bucharest Ministerial Council Meeting, 4 December 2001, Vi-enna 2016, SEC.DOC/2/16.
- OSCE, Secretary General, Annual Report 2015, Vienna 2016.
- OSCE, Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, Thematic Report: Access to Justice and the Conflict in Ukraine, [Kyiv] 2015.
- OSCE, Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, Thematic Report: Conflict-Related Displacement in Ukraine: Increased Vulnerabilities of Affected Populations and Triggers of Tension within Communities, [Kyiv] 2016.
- OSCE, Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, Thematic Report: Restric-tions to SMM’s Freedom of Movement and other Impediments to Ful-filment of Its Mandate, January to June 2016, [Kyiv] 2016.
- Panel of Eminent Persons on European Security as a Common Project, Back to Diplomacy. Final Report and Recommendations of the Panel of Eminent Persons on European Security as a Common Project, [s.l.] 2015.
- United States, Congress, Commission on Security and Cooperation, United States Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission), Briefing, NATO’s Warsaw Summit and the Future of European Security, June 23, 2016, Washington, DC, 2016 (Unofficial Transcript).
- United States, Congress, Commission on Security and Cooperation, United States Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission), Briefing: Moldova at a Crossroads, September 22, 2016, Washington, DC, 2016 (Unofficial Transcript).
- United States, Congress, Commission on Security and Cooperation, United States Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission), Hearing: Europe’s Refugee Crisis: How Should the US, EU, and OSCE Respond? October 20, 2015, [Washington] 2015, Offi-cial Transcript.
- United States, Congress, Commission on Security and Cooperation, United States Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission), Hearing, Combatting Corruption in Bosnia and Herze-govina, May 25, 2016, Washington, DC, 2016 (Unofficial Transcript).
- United States, Congress, Commission on Security and Cooperation, United States Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission), Hearing: Germany’s Chairmanship of the OSCE: Pri¬or-ities and Challenges, March 1, 2016, [Washington] 2016 (Unofficial Transcript).
- United States, Congress, Commission on Security and Cooperation, United States Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission), Hearing: Update on the OSCE: Religious Freedom, Anti-Semitism, and Rule of Law, February 11, 2016, [Washington] 2016, (Unofficial Transcript).
- Monographs and Anthologies
- Åkermark, Sia Spiliopoulou/Arie Bloed/Ilze Brand Kehris/Rainer Hofmann/ Tove Hansen Malloy/Joseph Marko/John Packer/Francesco Palermo/ Petra Roter/Markku Suksi (eds), European Yearbook of Minority Issues. Volume 12, 2013, Leiden 2016.
- Akbulut, Hakan/Clemens Binder/Vedran Dzihic/Heinz Gärtner/Barbara Gruber/Cengiz Günay/Daniela Pisoiu/Sarah Ponesch/Jan Pospisil/Nina Witjes, Kooperative Sicherheit – eine Bestandsaufnahme, Arbeitspapier 86/2016, Vienna 2016.
- Benedek, Wolfgang/Florence Benoît-Rohmer/Matthias C. Kettemann/Rein-hard Klaushofer/Manfred Nowak (eds), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2016, Antwerp 2016.
- Cole, Eden/Philipp Fluri/Simon Lunn, Oversight and Guidance: Parliaments and Security Sector Governance, Geneva 2015.
- Colombo, Silvia/Nicolò Sartori (eds), The OSCE’s Contribution to Energy Governance in the Mediterranean Region, Roma 2016. doi.org/10.1177/2055116916653616
- Dehez, Dustin/Christian E. Rieck, The 2016 German OSCE Chairmanship: Urgent Need for Reform under Conditions of Russian Veto Power, Facts & Findings 171/2015, Berlin 2015.
- Erler, Gernot, Eröffnung des diesjährigen Implementierungstreffens der Menschlichen Dimension der OSZE durch den Sonderbeauftragten der Bundesregierung für den deutschen OSZE-Vorsitz 2016, Vienna [2015].
- European Leadership Network (ed.), What is the Future for EU-Russia Rela-tions? A Survey of European Leadership Network Members for the EU’s Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy, London 2016.
- Feichtinger, Walter/Christian Steppan, Ukraine – Difficult Crisis Manage-ment in a Deadlocked Conflict, IFK-Monitor International 35/2016, Vi-enna 2016.
- Fischer, Sabine (ed.), Nicht eingefroren! Die ungelösten Konflikte um Trans-nistrien, Abchasien, Südossetien und Berg-Karabach im Lichte der Kri¬se um die Ukraine, SWP-Studie S13, Berlin 2016.
- Goda, Samuel, Slovakia: (Re)Discovering of the International Crisis Manage-ment, Bratislava 2015.
- Goda, Samuel/Oleksandr Tytarchuk/Maksym Khylko (eds), International Cri-sis Management: NATO, EU, OSCE and Civil Society. Collected Essays on Best Practices and Lessons Learned, Amsterdam 2016.
- Hakkarainen, Petri/Christian Nünlist, Trust and Realpolitik: The OSCE in 2016, Policy Perspectives 1/2016, Zurich 2016.
- Hauser, Gunther, Die OSZE. Konfliktmanagement im Spannungsfeld regio-naler Interessen, Opladen 2016.
- Iloniemi, Jaakko, Not just Another Tea Party, the Lasting Value of the OSCE, Finnish Foreign Policy Papers 04, Helsinki 2015.
- International Crisis Group (ed.), Kyrgyzstan: an Uncertain Trajectory, Eur-ope and Central Asia Briefing 76, Bishkek 2015.
- International Crisis Group (ed.), Nagorno-Karabakh: New Opening, or More Peril? Crisis Group Europe Report 239, Baku 2016.
- International Crisis Group (ed.), Russia and the Separatists in Eastern Ukraine, Europe and Central Asia Briefing 79, Kyiv 2016.
- International Crisis Group (ed.), Seizing the Moment: From Early Warning to Early Action, Special Report 2, Brussels 2016.
- International Crisis Group (ed.), Tajikistan Early Warning: Internal Pres-sures, External Threats, Europe and Central Asia Briefing 78, Bishkek 2016.
- Jasutis, Grazvydas, Human Security Dimension across the Frozen Conflicts in the Post-Soviet Space, EESRI Policy Brief, [Kyiv] 2016.
- Karin, Erlan T./Natalia N. Zarudna (eds), Accomplishments and Challenges for the OSCE on the Anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act (1975) and the Astana Summit (2010). International Conference Proceedings (As-tana, 23 October 2015), Astana 2016.
- Kemp, Walter, OSCE Peace Operations: Soft Security in Hard Environments, New York 2016.
- Küblbeck, Eva/Kati Lang/Anne Rennschmid/Britta Schellenberg/Monika Schröttle/Hendrik Trescher, Implementation of Selected OSCE Com-mitments on Human Rights and Democracy in Germany. Independent Evaluation Report on the Occasion of the German OSCE Chairmanship 2016, Berlin 2016. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-12846-3_1
- Lehne, Stefan, Reviving the OSCE. European Security and the Ukraine Cri¬sis, Brussels 2015.
- Meier, Larissa Daria, A Role for OSCE Peacekeeping? From the 1992 Hel-sinki Guidelines to the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, CORE Working Paper 27, Hamburg 2015.
- Merry, E. Wayne, Dealing with the Ukrainian Crisis, Transatlantic Strategy Dilemmas, IAI Working Papers 15/51, Rome 2015.
- Meurs, Hendrik, Das Herrschaftssystem von Turkmenistan. Mechanismen zum Erhalt der Macht und Inszenierungen zu ihrer Legitimation, Berlin 2016.
- Munk, Leonie, Germany’s OSCE Chairmanship 2016. The Need for “Con-tagement”, Security Policy Working Paper 10/2015, Berlin 2016.
- Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (ed.), Nordem Annual Report 2015, Oslo 2016.
- Nünlist, Christian, Zurück im Geschäft. Die OSZE und Konflikte in Europas Nachbarschaft, Global Governance Spotlight 1/2016, Bonn 2016.
- Pisoiu, Daniela, The OSCE and the SCO – Perspectives for Cooperation, Policy Paper 8/2015, Vienna 2015.
- Rácz, András, The Frozen Conflicts of the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood and Their Impact on the Respect of Human Rights, [Luxembourg] 2016.
- Remler, Philip, Chained to the Caucasus: Peacemaking in Karabakh, 1987-2012, New York 2016.
- Richter, Wolfgang, Deutscher OSZE-Vorsitz 2016, strategische Heraus¬for¬de-rungen, SWP-aktuell 7/2016, Berlin 2016.
- Rognvik, Sylvia, Dialogue Facilitation – Improving the OSCE Special Moni-toring Mission’s (SMM) Impact in Ukraine, Nordem Thematic Paper Series, Oslo [2016].
- Shiriyev, Zaur, Azerbaijan’s Security Perceptions: Old Challenges with New Faces, Tbilisi 2016. doi.org/10.1163/18750230-02703016
- Voget, Luise/Bernhard Müller-Härlin (Eds), Russia and the EU: Cooperation in Times of Crisis, German-Russian International Dialogue, Moscow, 5 December 2015, Hamburg 2016.
- Westphal, Kirsten/Ellen Scholl/Katja Yafimava/Indra Øverland, Energy Se-curity and the OSCE – The Case for Energy Risk Mitigation and Con-nectivity, SWP Comments 26/2016, Berlin 2016.
- Wittkowsky, Andreas, „Zurück zur Diplomatie“ unter deutschem OSZE-Vor-sitz? Schlussbericht und Empfehlungen der Hochrangigen Experten-gruppe, ZIF kompakt, Berlin 2016.
- Wittkowsky, Andreas, Verschleppte Konflikte im OSZE-Raum. Deeskalation und Prävention als Prioritäten 2016, ZIF Policy Briefing, Berlin 2016.
- Wittschorek, Peter, OSZE-Vorsitz 2016: Deutschland auf der Schiffsbrücke „Dialog erneuern, Vertrauen neu aufbauen, Sicherheit wieder herstel-len“, ZIF kompakt, Berlin 2016.
- Zirojević, Mina/Vesna Ćorić (eds), Četrdeset godina od potpisivanja helsinškog završnog akta/Forty Years since the Signing of the Helsinki Final Act, Belgrade 2015.
- Articles
- Abdirov, Nurlan, Legislative Initiatives for Extension of Civil Society Oppor-tunities in Solution of Socially Important Issues, in: Erlan T. Karin/ Natalia N. Zarudna (eds), Accomplishments and Challenges for the OSCE on the Anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act (1975) and the As-tana Summit (2010), Astana 2016, pp. 124-133.
- Ackermann, Alice, Forty Years of the Helsinki Final Act – Forty Years of Conflict Management, in: Mina Zirojević/Vesna Ćorić (eds), Četrdeset godina od potpisivanja helsinškog završnog akta/Forty Years since the Signing of the Helsinki Final Act, Belgrade 2015, pp. 39-50.
- Arežina, Sanja, Energetska bezbednost iz perspektive OEBS-a, in: Mina Zirojević/Vesna Ćorić (eds), Četrdeset godina od potpisivanja helsinškog završnog akta/Forty Years since the Signing of the Helsinki Final Act, Belgrade 2015, pp. 215-226.
- Asmussen, Jan, International Crisis Management and Human Security in the Framework of “Hybrid Wars” and Unrecognized States: Lessons Learned from Ukraine, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2014(2015), pp. 287-297. doi.org/10.1163/18750230-02503001
- Axyonova, Vera, Do They Deliver what They Promise? The Capability-Expectation Gap in the Perceptions of Regional Security Actors in the Post-Soviet Space, in: Samuel Goda/Oleksandr Tytarchuk/Maksym Khylko (eds), International Crisis Management: NATO, EU, OSCE and Civil Society, Amsterdam 2016, pp. 139-150.
- Babić, Marija, Helsinški završni akt i praćenje izbora: izborna prava i slobode kao suštinsko pitanje bezbednosti, in: Mina Zirojević/Vesna Ćorić (eds), Četrdeset godina od potpisivanja helsinškog završnog akta/ Forty Years since the Signing of the Helsinki Final Act, Belgrade 2015, pp. 263-283.
- Bartels, Henning, Deutscher OSZE-Vorsitz 2016. Kommentar, in: Euro¬pä¬i-sche Sicherheit & Technik 2/2016, p. 3.
- Bilandžić, Vladimir, The Making of the Helsinki Final Act: a View from Bel-grade, in: Security Community 2015/3-4, pp. 4-7.
- Bingulac, Nenad/Joko Dragojlović, Uticaj vojnih manevara na pitanje bezbednosti u evropi sa stanovišta OEBS-a, in: Mina Zirojević/Vesna Ćorić (eds), Četrdeset godina od potpisivanja helsinškog završnog akta/ Forty Years since the Signing of the Helsinki Final Act, Belgrade 2015, pp. 109-122.
- Birckenbach, Hanne-Margret, Prävention und Krisenmanagement. Beispiel Baltikum: Kluge Politik ermöglichen, in: Friedensforum 4/2016, pp. 34-35.
- Bloed, Arie, OSCE Chronicle, Ukrainian Crisis Tops the OSCE Agenda, in: Security and Human Rights 3/2014(2015), pp. 355-360. doi.org/10.1163/18750230-02503007
- Bloed, Arie, OSCE Chronicle, Ukrainian Crisis Tops the OSCE Agenda, in: Security and Human Rights 4/2014(2015), pp. 462-467. doi.org/10.1163/18750230-02504001
- Brock, Lothar, Zurück zum Völkerrecht! Friedensarchitekturen in kriegeri-scher Zeit, in: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 1/2016, pp. 47-58.
- Büscher, Klemens, Der Transnistrienkonflikt im Lichte der Krise um die Ukraine, in: Sabine Fischer (ed.), Nicht eingefroren! Die ungelösten Konflikte um Transnistrien, Abchasien, Südossetien und Berg-Karabach im Lichte der Krise um die, Berlin 2016, pp. 27-45.
- Carpenter, Jacqueline, Ukraine’s 2014 Elections: Monitoring Public Partici-pation of National Minorities Summary, in: Security and Human Rights 4/2014(2015), pp. 361-369. doi.org/10.1163/18750230-02504002
- Cerny Ethesham, Natascha, BürgerInnendiplomatie. Mitwirkungsmöglich-keiten der Zivilgesellschaft – Erfahrungen aus der Schweiz, in: Frie-densforum 4/2016, pp. 39-40.
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