Chinese Civil Law
Seit dem Ende der 1990er Jahre wurde in China das gesamte Zivilrecht neu kodifiziert. Die bedeutendsten Statute, die zwischen 1999 und 2010 erlassen wurden und wichtige Schritte zur Schaffung eines chinesischen Zivilgesetzbuches darstellen, werden in diesem Buch in theoretischer und praktischer Hinsicht erläutert.
China is a major civil-law jurisdiction. Since the end of the 1990s great efforts have been made in China to codify the entire civil law. With the major statutes governing contracts, property, torts and conflict of laws promulgated in 1999, 2007, 2009 and 2010 respectively, the most crucial steps have been taken towards the creation of a Chinese Civil code.This book attempts to shed light on both the theoretical and the practical aspects of Chinese civil law. In particular, a large number of references to cases, commentaries, treatises, and articles give an authentic account of current discussions in China. A bibliography and an index allow for further study of specific areas and facilitate systematic research.The book addresses the following topics (subject to modifications): Part I General PartPart II ContractsPart III Torts LawPart IV Property LawPart V Conflict of LawsDr Yuanshi Bu is Professor of Law (Chair for East Asian Business Law) at the University of Freiburg, Germany. The contributors are Chinese and German lawyers trained at esteemed American, British or German law schools, and are all working with international law firms, leading academic institutions, or Chinese key regulatory authorities.Contributors: Prof. Dr Yuanshi Bu, Freiburg; Prof. Dr Manjiao Chi, Xiamen; Dr Funing Huang, Beijing; Dr Changfeng Tu, Düsseldorf; Dr Simon Werthwein (Frankfurt/ Passau); Hui Zheng, London
Rechtsvergleich Zivilrecht Chinesisches Recht- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 65–172 Part II Contract 65–172
- 176–260 Part III Tort 176–260
- 176–208 Chapter 10 . Overview 176–208
- 264–323 Part IV Property 264–323
- 264–281 Chapter 13 . Overview 264–281
- 326–406 Part V Conflict of Laws 326–406
- 326–342 Chapter 18 . Overview 326–342