Georg Kolbe — The Artist and National Socialism
Breaks and Continuities in Life, Work and Reception
Georg Kolbe (1877–1947), one of the most important sculptors of the first half of the 20th century in Germany, was an important representative of classical modernism. However, his activities during National Socialism have not yet been fully explored. With the receipt of an extensive estate from the bequest of Kolbe’s late granddaughter Maria von Tiesenhausen in 2019, it is now possible to gain more precise research perspectives.AuthorsMagdalena Bushart, Ambra Frank, Christian Fuhrmeister, Jan Giebel, Arie Hartog, Christina Irrgang, Gesa Jeuthe Vietzen, Bernhard Maaz, Olaf Peters, Kathleen Reinhardt, Wolfgang Schöddert, Dorothea Schöne, Paula Schwerdtfeger, Aya Soika, Maike Steinkamp, Elisa Tamaschke, Anja Tiedemann und Julia Wallner
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 9–10 Preface 9–10
- 11–22 Introduction 11–22
- 24–80 Precursors 24–80
- 334–362 Georg Kolbe after 1945 334–362
- 364–372 Appendix 364–372
- 369–372 Image Credits 369–372