An Introduction to German Law
The "Introduction to German Law" presents the areas and basic questions of German law that are essential for understanding and practical application. Students in their first semesters, foreign students and practitioners as well as interested laypersons will find an overview and initial information on the German legal system. The new edition has been expanded to include separate chapters on the relationship of German law to European law and international law. Die „Einführung in das deutsche Recht“ stellt die für das Verständnis und die praktische Handhabung wesentlichen Gebiete und Grundfragen des deutschen Rechts dar. Student:innen in den Anfangssemestern, ausländische Studierende und Praktiker:innen sowie interessierte Laien finden hier einen Überblick und erste Informationen über die deutsche Rechtsordnung. Die Neuauflage ist durch eigene Kapitel zu den Bezügen des deutschen Rechts zum Europarecht und zum Völkerrecht erweitert worden.
The "Introduction to German Law" presents the areas and basic questions of German law that are essential for understanding and practical application. Students in their first semesters, foreign students and practitioners as well as interested laypersons will find an overview and initial information on the German legal system. The new edition has been expanded to include separate chapters on the relationship of German law to European law and international law.
Administrative Law Civil Code Constitutional Law Court System Criminal Law Criminal Procedure Deutsches Recht Einführung in das deutsche Recht Family Law Federal Republik of Germany General Provision of the Civil Code German Law Hierarchy of Norms Introduction to German Law Law of Obligations Law of Property Legal tradition Private Law Sources of Law Studienbuch- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 34–113 B. Public Law 34–113
- 114–150 C. Criminal Law 114–150
- 151–254 D. Private Law 151–254
- 255–261 E. European law 255–261
- 262–264 F. International law 262–264
- 265–310 Glossary 265–310
- 311–318 Index 311–318