Historische Philosophie
Beschreibung einer Denkart
In this book Kurt Flasch describes and substantiates his way of thinking and working. He calls it "historical philosophy" and shows how it undercuts the separation of philosophical systematics and philosophical history, thus posing the problem of "historicism" in a new way. Flasch critically examines basic concepts such as "epoch," "tradition," and "continuity" and argues against dehistoricizing modes of appropriation of the past that ignore the time gap or reduce it to a mere external circumstance. He thus gains new insights into the relationship between the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Reformation.
In this book Kurt Flasch describes and substantiates his way of thinking and working. He calls it "historical philosophy" and shows how it undercuts the separation of philosophical systematics and philosophical history, thus posing the problem of "historicism" in a new way. Flasch critically examines basic concepts such as "epoch," "tradition," and "continuity" and argues against dehistoricizing modes of appropriation of the past that ignore the time gap or reduce it to a mere external circumstance. He thus gains new insights into the relationship between the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Reformation.
Scholastik Philosophie Mediävistik Renaissance Humanismus Historismus Methode Historisierung Philosophiegeschichte Epoche Frühe Neuzeit Hermeneutik Mittelalterliche Philosophie Tradition- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- 7–10 Vorwort 7–10
- 13–16 Selbstvorstellung 13–16
- 17–21 Annas Graben 17–21
- 129–153 "Epoche" 129–153
- 189–196 Entwicklung 189–196
- 339–350 Hände weg von Hildegard! 339–350
- 367–372 Personenregister 367–372
- 373–374 Sachregister 373–374