Suffering As Participation with Christ in the Pauline Corpus
The Pauline letters bear witness to the prominent role that suffering played both in the life of Paul and in the lives of the communities to whom he writes. Startlingly, Paul does not express alarm or frustration at suffering’s presence, but instead identifies it as an essential and defining feature for faithful Christ-followers. Paul grounds his account of suffering in the concept of “participation with Christ.” This book explores the connection forged between suffering and participation by engaging in close readings of texts, resourcing letters usually dismissed because of doubts about authenticity, and pulling together an overall characterization of “Paul’s thought” on the basis of common patterns of reference that emerge. Utilizing a tripartite reading strategy of “exegesis,” “canon,” and “theology” offers nuance for and yields fresh insight into a central Pauline motif.
Salvation Canon Participation with Christ Paul Pauline letters Union with Christ Suffering Theology Witness- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–viii Preface i–viii
- 89–148 Chapter Three: Canon 89–148
- 149–188 Chapter Four: Theology 149–188
- 189–214 Bibliography 189–214
- 215–224 Index 215–224
- 225–226 About the Authors 225–226