The Young Against the Old
Generational Conflict in First Clement
The so-called First Epistle of Clement has long intrigued historians of early Christianity. It responds to a crisis in the Corinthian church by enjoining an ethic of subordination especially to the presbyteroi and episkopoi, but the exact nature of that conflict has eluded scholars. L. L. Welborn sets out a clear methodology for reconstructing the historical situation behind the letter, then examines the conventions of its deliberative rhetoric, its blending of citations from the Old Testament and Paul’s letters, and its reliance on topoi from Greco-Roman civic discourse. He then presents a compelling argument for the letter’s occasion. First Clement assails a “revolt” among the youth against their elders, invoking epithets and characterizations that were, as Welborn demonstrates at length, common in political discourse supporting the status quo. At length, Welborn proposes two possible scenarios for the precise nature of the “revolt” in Corinth— a revolt possibly inspired by memories of the apostle Paul— and details the replacement of a Pauline ethic with a strict code of subordination.
- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xiv Preface i–xiv
- 21–48 Ch02. Hypothesis 21–48
- 49–128 Ch03. Context 49–128
- 129–172 Ch04. Application 129–172
- 173–222 Ch05. Reconstruction 173–222
- 223–228 Epilogue 223–228
- 229–256 Bibliography 229–256
- 257–264 Index of Modern Authors 257–264
- 265–276 Index of Ancient Sources 265–276
- 277–278 About the Author 277–278