Retooling Study Abroad
Digital Approaches to Linguistic and Cultural Immersion
Study abroad is the ideal option for world language students to immerse themselves in the target language and culture. However, circumstances beyond control may make travel challenging, evenimpossible. Technology has the potential to engage students and provide an opportunity for linguistic and cultural immersion from home. In addition to immersing students in the target language and culture, Carmen Granda shows that technology can be implemented in all world language courses to foster connections and comparisons and, most importantly, create community in and outside of the classroom. She demonstrates that digital tools have the power to make language learning inclusive of and accessible to all students, fulfilling diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals of higher education.
language acquisition study abroad technology culture digital communication community- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xiv Preface i–xiv
- 1–26 Introduction 1–26
- 163–172 Conclusion 163–172
- 173–184 Appendices 173–184
- 185–196 Bibliography 185–196
- 197–204 Index 197–204
- 205–206 About the Author 205–206