Language Creativity
A Semiotic Perspective
In Language Creativity: A Semiotic Perspective, Simone Casini aims to frame the concept of creativity within a linguistic dimension by developing a theoretical reflection with constant references to contact languages and to the educational plan. Semiotic creativity abandons the condition of the linguistic property inter pares and rises to the rank of theoretical and first principle by which languages define themselves, function and interact in the negotiation of meaning in relation to the social uses. Casini considers creativity as a premise for the rule changing of boundaries of meaning and creation of language and meaning. The work progresses starting from the historical-critical concept of creativity, discussing the most philosophical and linguistic theories in the North American and European context.
Semiotics Italian Italian Studies Italian language abroad Italiese Educational Linguistics Language Arts Languages in contact Linguistics Creativity Education symbols signs- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xviii Preface i–xviii
- 1–14 Introduction 1–14
- 123–134 Conclusion 123–134
- 135–136 Afterword 135–136
- 137–148 References 137–148
- 149–154 Index 149–154
- 155–156 About the Author 155–156