Religion, Women of Color, and the Suffrage Movement
The Journey to Holistic Freedom
The year 2020 marks the centenary of the passing of the 19th Amendment that allowed for women in the United States to vote. The strategic struggle of women demanding equal dignity and the right to vote in the United States helped to shed light on the systemic evils that have plagued the collective history of the country. Ideologies of racism, genderism, classism, and many more were and continue to be used to deny women their dignities both in the United States and in other parts of the world. This work sheds light on the intersectionality of religion, class, gender, philosophy, theology, and culture as they shape the experiences of women, especially women of color. A fundamental question that this volume aims to address is: What does it mean to be a woman of color in a world where systems of erasure dominate? The title of this volume is meant to showcase a deliberate engagement with the uncelebrated insights and perspectives of women of color in a world where systemic discrimination persists, and to articulate new strategies and paradigms for recognizing their contributions to the broader struggles for freedom and equity of women in our world.
Feminist Studies Nineteenth Amendment Interdisciplinary Studies Voting Rights Theological Anthropology Women Studies Women Suffrage Movement Women and Politics- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xxiv Preface i–xxiv
- 325–326 Index 325–326
- 327–334 About the Contributors 327–334