The Wounded Attorney
How Psychological Disorders Impact Attorneys
In The Wounded Attorney, Catherine Young and Wendy Packmanprovide keen insight and commentary into how psychological disorders manifest in attorneys. Attorneys experience an alarming rate of mental health challenges, yet mental health and substance abuse issues often go unnoticed by colleagues and are unacknowledged by attorneys themselves. As both attorneys and psychologists, the uniquely qualified Young and Packman explore how mental health issues appear in the legal profession. The authors urge for an overhaul of the current framework of attorney discipline and construct a compelling argument for a therapeutic approach that destigmatizes mental health issues.
Legal Studies Mental Health Attorney Discipline Substance Abuse- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–x Preface i–x
- 1–4 Introduction 1–4
- 149–156 Future Recommendations 149–156
- 157–172 References 157–172
- 173–180 Index 173–180
- 181–182 About the Authors 181–182