Wartime Sexual Violence against Men
Masculinities and Power in Conflict Zones
Cases of sexual violence against men have been documented in a great number of conflicts and wars, both ancient and contemporary. Despite this growing empirical evidence, there is still a dearth of analyses on this type of violence, which stands in stark contrast with the abundant literature dealing with sexual violence against women.
Based on a fieldwork conducted primarily in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, this book proposes to look at wartime sexual violence against men as a performative gendered act that, stemming from the same logic underpinning sexual violence against women, (re-)affirms a gendered social hierarchy.
The book explores patterns of wartime sexual violence against men, and presents survivors’, but also perpetrators’ stories. The book proceeds to analysing the context in which this type of violence can be understood, narrated, but also addressed, either through support programs for survivors, or through legal means.
Narrative Peacebuilding Surviving Victimization Gender Civil War Africa Conflict Zones Masculinity Men- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–viii Preface i–viii
- 1–16 Introduction 1–16
- 171–176 Conclusion 171–176
- 177–182 Notes 177–182
- 183–200 Bibliography 183–200
- 201–208 Index 201–208
- 209–210 About the Author 209–210