Critical and Creative Engagements with Diversity in Nordic Education
Teacher education in the Nordic European context continues to change rapidly in response to diversity. However, this context tends to receive less attention globally, despite being a part of the interconnected effort to prepare teachers and students for an increasingly complex and uncertain future. Against this backdrop, this volume presents timely research that identifies and critically explores some of the challenges and opportunities which researchers, educators, and teacher educators may encounter while working in culturally and linguistically diverse contexts of education in Nordic Europe. In doing so, this volume aims to contribute to the broader conversations about diversity and education on an international level, particularly those focused on how to improve and enhance teacher education through more inclusive, responsive, and social justice-oriented practices. Critical and Creative Engagements with Diversity in Nordic Education offers empirical, conceptual, and theoretical contributions on topics such as religion, gender and sex, language, culture, nationality, race, and ethnicity that reflect the experiences, concerns, and needs of both teachers and students from primary to higher and teacher education. By recognizing, promoting, and understanding the importance of diversity in the classroom, educators can contribute to the achievement of academic success of every student.
intercultural education minority multiculturalism multilingualism social justice teacher education Nordic education Scandinavia- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xxiv Preface i–xxiv
- 151–186 Part III: Identifying Skills and Competences for Future Teachers in Religious Education 151–186
- 357–360 Index 357–360