God and Psychology
How the Early Religious Development of Famous Psychologists Influenced their Work
God and Psychology: How the Early Religious Development of Famous Psychologists Influenced their Work tells the stories of how the early religious background of several famous psychologists influenced their lives and work. These are fascinating stories often overlooked in the biography of these thinkers. Drawing from autobiographical and biographical materials this book demonstrates how the impact of these early exposures to religion linger in the writings and actions of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Erik Erikson, B.F. Skinner, and Carl Rogers in both explicit and indirect ways. This book will be of interest to anyone interested in the intersection of psychology and religion and offers a new lens for thinking about this intersection by highlighting the impact of such intersections in some of the founding figures of psychology.
Carl Jung Carl Rogers B.F. Skinner Erik Erikson Sigmund Freud history of psychology psychological theories psychology and religion/spirituality religion/spirituality clinical practice- Kapitel Ausklappen | EinklappenSeiten
- i–xxii Preface i–xxii
- 41–72 2: Carl Jung 41–72
- 73–106 3: Erik Erikson 73–106
- 107–134 4: B. F. Skinner 107–134
- 135–170 5: Carl Rogers 135–170
- 171–184 Conclusion 171–184
- 185–200 References 185–200
- 201–216 Index 201–216
- 217–218 About the Author 217–218